

       About IQAC

       Vision & Mission

       Objectives & Functions Of IQAC

       Strategies & Benefits

       IQAC Members

       IQAC Minutes

       IQAC Reports

       NAAC Committee

       Quality Initiatives Certificates

       Quality Initiatives Reports

       Quality Initiatives Policies



To make quality the defining element through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.

Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the St.Mary’s College system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.


   To arrange for periodic assessment and evaluation of activities and events in the institution

   To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning.

   To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.

   To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.