Mikavu : The St. Mary’s Academic Excellence , The place where academic talents collide.

The institution is located in the suburbs of Malappuram, where education was least important. The college had a prime reason behind its inception, in surfacing the mentality of people. Women never received any recognition in this locale earlier, by the inception of the college the respect and consideration towards women changed. Academic excellence requires a focus on delivering high-quality instruction. This includes knowledgeable and experienced faculty members who employ effective teaching methods, engage students in active learning, and provide timely feedback and support.

The academic excellence of the college is ensured through Suvidha ( Infrastructural Facilities), Rishta ( Parent- Teacher- Student Rapport), Samagra Shiksha : The Multidimensional Education , Sanyam , (self disciplined )Character Chiseling, Aagami The Career and Placement Support


With the academic vistas the institution has changed the whole life of the locale. Many business innovations are supported by the institution. The institution understands that a conducive environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational journey of our students which the institution sternly believes and invests significantly in providing state-of-the-art infrastructure that caters to the evolving needs of modern education. An institution committed to academic excellence designs and maintains rigorous and relevant curricula that align with industry standards, emerging trends, and the needs of the students. The curriculum should provide a strong foundation of knowledge, promote critical thinking, and foster intellectual growth. The institution holds Academic Excellence as the Holy Bible, for which all the strenuous efforts are collided. The college has a great role in unveiling the scopes for women as the majority of students in the college are girls.