ICT Facilities
The college has an exclusive Computer Resource Center for practical classes. It has high speed Internet facility. Equipped with an impressive number of computer machines and the room is spacious enough to accommodate a fairly large number of students.
The College has always been augmenting its IT facilities to address the changing trends in the academic scenario and to accommodate students who are technologically well equipped.The Institution has a well- maintained web portal that makes available to the public events and functions happening in the College.
The College has a well- furnished 2 computer Labs managed by computer department along with a professional expert with 65 systems and 7 systems exclusively for browsing.Students and teachers depend on the Lab for all their academic and professional needs.Maximum communication to departments and students is made through mails and other electronic media.There are different WhatsApp groups for teachers, non- teaching staff, HOD, students etc. in the College for its smooth functioning.The management has decided to equip more in the coming future. Thus, our Institution is always ready to update its IT facilities.
Bandwidth of BSNL internet connectivity in the college: 40 MBPS
Bandwidth of Asianet internet connectivity in the college: 50 MBPS
Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) Students computer ratio : 10.8:1